Caution: Debussy unleashed!

” Musically, Debussy felt himself to be a kind of auditory ‘sensitive’. He not only heard sounds that no other … Continue reading

Lifting the lid on Debussy’s Canope

Debussy’s Canope seems to clash with the other occupants inside his second book of Prèludes, or to obtrude among anything … Continue reading

Debussy in Bartók’s hands.

Bartók was a good listener, especially when transcribing with scientifically accuracy thousands of field recordings made during his excursions into … Continue reading

Shh! Debussy sleeps!

Other than some snoring, what was going on inside Debussy’s head? At a certain point, change was in the works, … Continue reading

Debussy’s lost interpreter: Marius-François Gaillard

It came as a shock to hear such Debussy. About Marius-François Gaillard all one could instantly find was that he recorded works … Continue reading

Traces of Debussy, part II: Debussy’s Ear

To the left: now the right: where they live:   Another post to reveal Debussy up-close and from within as … Continue reading

Traces of Debussy, part I: Two Hungarian violists

    To supplement our recent publication of lost recordings played by masters of Debussy’s music we dive into the … Continue reading

Reflections on the roots of American Music

  Cheyenne warrior Before arrivals came from all corners of the earth, our Native Americans had ongoing traditions that others … Continue reading